What to Do During Wisdom Teeth Removal Post Op Care

What to Do During Wisdom Teeth Removal Post Op Care

As people grow older, our bodies rapidly transform to have stronger and firmer bones. Just like the bones on our legs and arms, our teeth also become more rooted in our gums. The problem that arises in this natural growth is the crowding of teeth due to additional molars such as wisdom teeth. Wondering what to do during wisdom teeth removal post op care? Request assistance from your friends or family supplementary to your dentist’s instructions. You can visit this link for more info to answer your inquiries about wisdom teeth removal procedures as well.

Why Wisdom Teeth Removal Is Serious

Impacted teeth are very problematic and are usually seen in wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are common at the age of 17 until 21 or more. Why is the removal of wisdom teeth important for adults? When wisdom teeth emerge, more people experience crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth. It is important to follow instructions on wisdom teeth removal post op care. Sometimes, dental surgery complications happen when patients do their own self-medication and care. Gums become inflamed or worse, sinus and jaws are also affected by neglecting wisdom teeth removal. Recovery may take up to a week or so, and constant dental appointments will help faster results.

Home Treatments For The Surgery

After your surgery, your doctor will advise the nurses to give you nutritious food customized for your recovery. In addition, you can expect to eat mushier and liquid-based food. Eventually, you need to go home to continue your dental procedure recovery. Wisdom teeth removal post op care is expected to be done at home.  Home remedies are possible but always consult your physician for these plans. In some surgeries, these remedies may vary so don’t forget to ask your physician’s opinion about it.

Use antiseptic for mouth gargles

Gargling and maintaining your teeth and gum’s mouth is different from your usual dental hygiene routine. Specific mouth wash such as antiseptic-based gargles should help reduce infection or pain. It is important to always follow the instructions in gargling these since it is still considered medicine. Don’t skip any day for gargling, remember how infections can spread from your gums. Neglect can cause serious problems in a person’s body.

Avoid eating hard foodWisdom Teeth Removal Post Op Care Pain and Relief

You might still feel pain after the surgery so right after the surgery, don’t eat food that may cause more pain. Avoid eating candies, hard solid food, and even acidic, caffeinated or carbonated drinks. As an alternative, you can eat jello, soup, mashed potatoes, or smoothies instead. Additionally, do not eat hot or spicy meals as well as super cold drinks. Manage your pain wisely by checking out your diet during this phase.

Reduce swelling by applying ice packs

Swelling is an immediate aftereffect of any type of surgery as the body feels trauma from incisions or cuts. A pack or two of ice may help reduce the swelling since it is still soft but once it hardens, ice packs are not useful. Any further swelling or signs of bleeding need medical attention from your surgeon or doctor.


If Symptoms Persist, Contact Your Doctor

You may also drink medicine such as antibiotics and pain relief. However, when it comes to extreme and recurring pain, it is best to consult your doctor’s opinion. Some patients also experience nausea and vomiting as a side effect of general anesthesia or narcotic oral pain medications. If this situation happens, stop any home remedy and continue your first aid procedures to stop the side-effects. However, go to an emergency hospital or clinic right away for the right examination and diagnosis.



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