What to expect when you are 39 weeks pregnant

39 weeks pregnant

When you’re 39 weeks pregnant, it’s not like the other, you have now a full-body baby in your body, the moment came, and you will find some wonderful feelings in each day of this last week. You wonder what will happen to you during this time. You might be excited or anxious. But be prepared as to what happens to you is the best thing that you can do. The IVF Clinics in Australia will discuss with you the things you need to do and prepare during this time of your pregnancy.

Here’s what happens and what you have to do in your thirty-nine weeks of pregnancy:

The baby

Your baby is now about 7-8 pounds weight and measures 19 to 21 inches. It’s the final measurements of the baby. It will not change in the future. But of course, his brain is always growing until the age of 3 years at an astonishing rate that will astound your mind of the greatness of God in creating his gift for you.

What you have to do

Your body is now heavier by 10-15 kg from the baby’s weight. And from your body weight from eating to meet your baby’s nutritional needs. Feelings are now giving you an idea of every moment of your baby’s life inside you. You have to focus on every sign that announces the moment.39 weeks pregnant

You don’t have to go to the doctor each day of the week but keep contact with him via phone or social media. Before labor, you might feel some digestive disorders. You don’t have to panic. It’s very normal. There are some specific signs like the rupture of the membranes and Hemorrhage is simple due to rupture of capillaries resulting from cervical expansion. Don’t forget to be calm and no panic.

The birth process takes about 15-30 minutes to finish. Another point that many people don’t talk about it, of course, you want to be awake during all the operation, doctors want it too, but in some cases, it’s impossible because your body can’t resist because of the pressure of the operation. It’s not a big problem to have a Cesarean, according to the statistics, four from 10 pregnant women do a cesarean section without any complications or risk to them or to the child. So, you are like any other pregnant woman, don’t panic.

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